Tiny Tim our “Special” Monarch Butterfly
Tiny Tim is our "Special Needs" Monarch Butterfly. He is one of the five(5) of our second batch of sixteen(16) Monarchs. More on the others later; this is Tiny Tim's Story. <img width="360" height="240" src="https://pelicanprose.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/IMG_1717-360x240.jpg" alt="Underdeveloped Monarch Butterfly" loading="lazy" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/pelicanprose.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/IMG_1717-scaled.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1 360w, https://i0.wp.com/pelicanprose.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/IMG_1717-scaled.jpg?zoom=2&resize=360%2C240&ssl=1 720w, https://i0.wp.com/pelicanprose.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/IMG_1717-scaled.jpg?zoom=3&resize=360%2C240&ssl=1 1080w" sizes="(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px" /> Good Morning and Happy 4th of July. The day started off just as any other in the live of a Monarch Butterfly Rancher. We have five(5) Chrysalis hanging in the "outdoor habitat" and five(5) in the "indoor habitat." These fellas did not get the predawn start of their six(6) predecessors…