Day Two and more accomplishments

Day two added some fun.  Several hundred miles driven and a visit to The Little House on the Prairie.

Of course to start the day with breakfast: fast, simple, easy with minimal clean up.  That is an advantage of quality meal prep as all we had to do is heat up some Breakfast Muffins. And then wheels up; actually jack stands up, and drive away.

Miles behind us, a short stop for fuel and a quick lunch of sandwiches, and into Kansas for a break at the Little House on the Prairie museum.  This was fun because most of us have seen at least one episode of the series. 

Made it to the northeast section of Kansas, but was too late to get into the Wizard of Oz museum.  Not a problem, we’ll make it in the morning. None the less, settled into a campsite, supper, clean-up, and then game time.

By Hugh Pinckard

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