Overwintering in Louisiana Early December Update
Here we are into the second week of December, well past the Monarch Butterfly Migration period. After rescuing several Monarch Caterpillars last month from passing Monarchs, we are having quite a bit of success with this trial of "LA OverWinter Project.” Of course, previously I mentioned the mating of “IhHabitat" The butterflies are thriving in the large habitat. Female FeedingMale Climbing WallHealth MaleCaring for MaleTransplanting MilkweedMilkweed TransplantedInDoorHabitatLgIndoor Butterfly Habitat Eggs have hatched, caterpillars are eating and growing. The potted InHabitat Milkweed plants seem to survive the act of being uprooted from the “Butterfly Garden” and placed into pots and inserted…