Day Four: Last Leg to Rushmore

Gothenburg Pony Express Station

Start the day with the sites of Gothenburg, NE. Of course there is too much to fit into our brief morning adventures, we just enjoyed another “Pony Express Station” and a “Sod House”(just purchased by to local businesses men and ready for restoration).  Nonetheless, it is still very interesting accompanied by the “Barbed-Wire Sculptures” that were from a non gone barbed-wire manufacturer.

Back on the road, west then north.  Enjoyable drive through the hills/mountains including the “Black Hills”.  Crossing finally into South Dakota and continuing on.  Through Custer, SD and passing the “Crazy Horse Monument“; we’ll be back, finally to our resting place at the KOA near Mount Rushmore.  Set up is accomplished and time to relax.  A good cup of coffee, family conversation, and even time for leisure stroll around the area.  Of course we do not miss out on supper and then “family game time”.  Off to bed and better rest up for tomorrow is a lot less driving and a lot more walking.

By Hugh Pinckard

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