
We’ve lost our “community”

We’ve lost our “community”

The mere fact that I am a "truck driver" had me voting, early, today as I will be out of the area for November 3.  I have not missed an election since my eighteen(18) birthday.  I believe that voting is a "civic responsibility" and should be undertaking seriously at every election. There is never a point that any election is too small or insignificant: local only to national they all need input from the local citizen. Let me set the scene.  My local early polling location has extended the available hours to 8am to 7pm for 10 days.  I decided…
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Split Second, Every decision has multiple impacts

Split Second, Every decision has multiple impacts

 What happens in a "split second" often has an impact on your immediate and distant future.  As a "professional truck driver", it is easy for me to relate events that I see and/or experience on the road to the broader meaning of life.  Take this moment as an example:  I am traveling along a very curvy LA highway, it is a two lane and winds down through the swamp, over and around bayous.  Key point to remember: if there is a shoulder (in this case NONE), it is soft; especially because of the current rain and the previous storms.  My cargo…
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Improve US: commit & strive

Improve US: commit & strive

We need to understand “history” is our past and it stands and cannot be changed; however we CAN change our present and presence in the world.  Let’s work together to improve our country and world:  it starts at home, then in the neighborhood, up to the city/town, then onto parish/county, up to the state level, and then the country level. Treat your  neighbor as an individual of worth equal to yourself. You can “love” people you don’t like and “be friendly” without being friends.  We are better than our current status. Commit and Strive to be better.
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Whistle Blower

Whistle Blower

You cannot have a second whistleblower restating comments to the same situation: you can only have a collaborator. It is a rather simple concept. There is only one FIRST, anything following this would be sequential, follow-up, add-on, etc(this could go on and on). Think about it you had your first kiss; you cannot go on and then decide to have another first. So someone gives you some great news, that's exciting. The next person gives you some great news; however, it is now old news as the fact that you have this information numbs the affect. You could still celebrate…
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