Hugh Pinckard

32 Posts
Day Five:  Good Morning South Dakota

Day Five: Good Morning South Dakota

After a good nights rest, up for cleaning and breakfast.  We heading into Keystone for some panning for gold at the Big Thunder Gold Mine. There was a tour of the mine and very informative session of the process of separating the gold from the rest of the rock and ore. And then to panning on our own.  The process is tedious and time consuming; it requires a lot of patience.  We panned for approximately an hour and achieved a few “tiny nuggets.”  However, the experience was enlightening and to say the least interesting. Next up, we adventured to the…
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Day Four: Last Leg to Rushmore

Day Four: Last Leg to Rushmore

Start the day with the sites of Gothenburg, NE. Of course there is too much to fit into our brief morning adventures, we just enjoyed another “Pony Express Station” and a “Sod House”(just purchased by to local businesses men and ready for restoration).  Nonetheless, it is still very interesting accompanied by the “Barbed-Wire Sculptures” that were from a non gone barbed-wire manufacturer. Back on the road, west then north.  Enjoyable drive through the hills/mountains including the “Black Hills”.  Crossing finally into South Dakota and continuing on.  Through Custer, SD and passing the “Crazy Horse Monument“; we’ll be back, finally to…
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Day Three: Oz, Hollenburg and NE

Day Three: Oz, Hollenburg and NE

Good morning Kansas. Awaked, cleaned up, jack stands up, ready to go. First adventure of the day will be the "Oz Musem". This is excellent as we see artifacts, clipping, costumers and much more. Throughout the museum are video documentaries and facts. Everyone from the youngest of 14 to the oldest of almost 80 enjoyed this visit. Then across the street to the "Yellow Brick Road" which is a brick paved side walk the winds back to the city park. Down the street we go to the "Oz Winery". This is a nice little wine shop with lots of different…
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Day Two and more accomplishments

Day Two and more accomplishments

Day two added some fun.  Several hundred miles driven and a visit to The Little House on the Prairie. Of course to start the day with breakfast: fast, simple, easy with minimal clean up.  That is an advantage of quality meal prep as all we had to do is heat up some Breakfast Muffins. And then wheels up; actually jack stands up, and drive away. Miles behind us, a short stop for fuel and a quick lunch of sandwiches, and into Kansas for a break at the Little House on the Prairie museum.  This was fun because most of us…
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Day One Completed and Successful: Loaded and route started

Day One Completed and Successful: Loaded and route started

Well well, we have loaded everything, or as I like to say, "If we forgot it, we don't need it." Clothing, toiletries, bedding, wares, and most importantly groceries are all loaded and stowed away.   We, myself accompanied by five(5) (yes five) females, can only be so sure as to "everything." Started driving on a short leg, just to get acclimated and our sea-legs.  We got in the first 180 miles, set up at the RV park, supper done and down for the night. Day One is a SUCCESS.   
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Improve US: commit & strive

Improve US: commit & strive

We need to understand “history” is our past and it stands and cannot be changed; however we CAN change our present and presence in the world.  Let’s work together to improve our country and world:  it starts at home, then in the neighborhood, up to the city/town, then onto parish/county, up to the state level, and then the country level. Treat your  neighbor as an individual of worth equal to yourself. You can “love” people you don’t like and “be friendly” without being friends.  We are better than our current status. Commit and Strive to be better.
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Vacation is planned.

Vacation is planned.

It's settled and confirmed. I'll be leaving the 3 S's of my normal life: Safety, Security, and Sanity, to embark on a "traveling vacation with two of my GrandGirls. Reservations are not only made, but confirmed and paid. Therefore, stay tuned as we are on go and only waiting on time. Next step is to make the drive to DFW for pick-up the Grands.
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Whistle Blower

Whistle Blower

You cannot have a second whistleblower restating comments to the same situation: you can only have a collaborator. It is a rather simple concept. There is only one FIRST, anything following this would be sequential, follow-up, add-on, etc(this could go on and on). Think about it you had your first kiss; you cannot go on and then decide to have another first. So someone gives you some great news, that's exciting. The next person gives you some great news; however, it is now old news as the fact that you have this information numbs the affect. You could still celebrate…
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